Rules for Applying to Pula PRO Programmes


10-17 July 2025

The rules specified herewith apply to the programme category Pula PRO, designed for film professionals and film students for the purpose of their professional networking and education and aimed at the development and placement of film projects, with a special emphasis on the domestic market. The goal of the Pula PRO programme is to strengthen the visibility and distribution strategies and share expert knowledge in the field of project development, distribution, placement and promotion. Deadlines for submission of applications are specified in the invitation of each workshop programme.


The 72 nd Pula Film Festival is organized by the Public Institution Pula Film Festival (hereinafter: Organizer). The professional and advisory body of the Festival is the Festival Council. The Festival Council has a total of 13 members who, upon the proposal of the Artistic Director, adopt the Festival programme and monitor its implementation.

All producers, directors, screenwriters and other authors (hereinafter: Applicants) who meet the conditions stated in the invitation of each workshop programme are eligible to apply for the workshops.

It is possible to apply projects to a total of three programmes for which calls for competitions shall be launched in March and April 2025. Programmes shall be held shortly before and during the Pula Film Festival, unless otherwise stated in the call for competition.

Work in Progress: a programme presenting (pitching) films in the postproduction phase before an expert jury. All projects in the postproduction phase pertaining to Croatian or Croatian minority co-production whose completion is planned in the coming year are eligible to apply. The authors of the selected projects shall be invited to participate in the pitching prep workshop.

Screenplay of a Blockbuster: a programme presenting (pitching) projects in the script development stage before an expert jury. Only Croatian projects which successfully combine authors and commercial sensibility, and which have not yet received funding for its production from the Croatian Audiovisual Centre or other film funds are eligible to apply.

The program is divided in three modules:
(1) a mentored online workshop program scheduled to begin in early May,
(2) a two-day mentored workshop program scheduled to begin in early June (live in Zagreb),
(3) a mentored workshop programme (conclusions), a project presentation prep workshop (pitching) before a professional jury during the Pula Film Festival (14- 17 July) and pitching.

The authors of the selected projects shall be invited to participate in a script development workshop to be held in early May-early June and during the Festival, pitching prep workshop. The partner of the program is Blitz Film Video Distribution.

TV HIT: a programme presenting (pitching) TV projects in the development stage before an expert jury. Only Croatian projects are eligible to apply. The authors of the selected projects shall be invited to participate in the pitching prep workshop.
All Applicants who meet the conditions stated in the invitation of each workshop programme are eligible to apply for the workshops.
Words and terms that have a gender meaning used in these Rules refer equally to the masculine and feminine gender, regardless of whether they are used in the masculine or feminine gender.


Project must be submitted via official online application forms on the Pula Film Festival website
All Applicants must own the rights and be authorised to represent and submit their projects.
The application form and the submitted projects must comply with the mentioned Rules for Applying to Pula PRO Programmes.

The application form consists of a maximum of five parts:
1. Information about the Applicant
2. Information about the project
3. Technical information
4. Copyright notice
5. Attachments

All documents attached to the application form must be in PDF format unless otherwise stated, while the maximum size of attached documents must not exceed 20MB. Should a video material be required in one of the applications, it must be submitted in the form of a link to a screener (Vimeo, Youtube), along with access data (a code) valid until the end of the selection process. A registration certificate and the application form in PDF format shall be sent via electronic mail to the contact person for the film indicated in the application form. It shall not be possible to make amendments to the submitted application.


1. A Committee, appointed by the Artistic Director of the Pula Film Festival, will select the projects in cooperation with partners of individual programmes. All Applicants will be officially notified of the results of the selection at the end of the selection process via e-mail indicated in the application form. The results
of selection procedure will be published on the official website of the Pula Film Festival and in the press.
2. The organizers of the PULA PRO programme will notify, in good time, all the Applicants whose projects will be selected for participation in the workshop programmes, of the location, time and method of realization of the workshop programme and of all other details related to participation in the programmes.
3. To all chosen Applicants the Pula Film Festival shall provide accommodation in Pula for the duration of the programme, while travel costs shall be borne by the Applicant.


By submitting the application, the Applicant guarantees that:

1. it is the legal owner of all rights and that it has regulated all obligations to team members and collaborators on the project on the basis of all copyrights and contracts.
2. it has read and accepted the Statute of the Pula Film Festival.
3. it has read and accepted the Rules on the Status and Financing of the Pula Film Festival.
4. it has read and accepted the Rules for Applying to Pula PRO Programmes.